
thy blog owner.
♥ 17.12.1992
Love life
My life is as colourful as the rainbow

One of the most amazing things in the world is having someone fall in love with you who you thought you never has a chance with.

its a big big world.

my faded memories.
  • March 2010
  • April 2010
  • May 2010
  • June 2010

    spontaneous applauds
    Layout: materialisti-c
    Inspirations: exquisite♥

    School? Tsk!
    Date / Time : Sunday, April 18, 2010 / 10:38 PM
    Not looking forward to school at all. Stressed about what to wear to school. That's why I'm missing my school uniform only now. Tanned from the picnic and school orientation. Very uneven tan though. Applying creams and moisturisers religiosly hoping that the tan will go away faster. Wondering how to cover it up. I look weird.

    Date / Time : Friday, April 16, 2010 / 10:50 PM
    Suddenly wish that I can rewind time. I want my Secondary school life back. I used to complain about so many things but now I realized that it was a blessing. School now is so far away. An hour journey from home. Break times are so long. Can't go home, don't know what to do either. Remember complaining that Secondary school recesses were not long enough. Now it's way too long. Each lesson now is 2 hours. People are so different. School system is much more different. Have to think of what to wear to school everyday. I miss wearing my uniform. I miss those teachers that can really nag. I miss everything in Secondary school. DAMN!

    Date / Time : Friday, April 9, 2010 / 9:06 PM
    List of OMG moments today.

    OMG #1:
    Feel like going Universal studios again! It's so fun and I encourage everyone to go at least once in their lifetime. Totally worth it despite the cost. Kudos to the government for investing money in this theme park. Sure to make a profit and thus should increase the salary of the employees in Singapore.

    OMG #2:
    Feel like eating Bread and Butter pudding. So darn delicious. Ate once and can't stop thinking of it. It's not a like pudding but somehow like cake. The pastry so soft that it almost instantly melts in your mouth. And the sweetness of the pudding is just beyong imagination. Even my mother would get diabetes.

    OMG #3:
    Heard of a joke that sugar is dipped into brown dye that's why it's called brown sugar? How can anybody think that brown sugar is brown because it's dyed brown?! Only Serene would think of that. Such a coconut head.

    OMG #4:
    Walked for hours but only went to 2 places. Eunice and I spent most of our time with Kok Min and Clara. And I just can't stand his friend. Irritaing as can be.

    Omg #5:
    Didn't know that milk was actually acidic. Shocked to know that piece of information. This proves that schools are not providing the children with sufficient information about the food they eat everyday. Or otherwise, the children are not paying attention in class.

    Date / Time : Tuesday, April 6, 2010 / 10:49 PM
    Some strangers become friends and some friends become strangers. But some friends, after awhile, they become strange friends. Wishing the past hadn't happen at all or wish that there's something you can do to change everything. You used to think that there's such thing as 'forever'. Until the day we part, then you'll know the meaning of 'change'. Just hoping that sooner or later we'll realise that parting is not something to be sad about. Cause it's already part of history that we all share.

    As we go on
    We remember all the times we had together
    And as our lives change
    Come whatever
    We will still be friends forever